In the bible, particularly in the book Acts, we see the early church relating to each other via relationship and being served within apostolic networks led by people like Paul, Timothy, Titus, Aquilla and Pricilla, Apollos etc… with particular apostolic gifting.
As a church we believe God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and Gods ways are good and always the best!! Meaning there’s always great wisdom in taking heed of how the early church was set out in scripture. So therefore, we organise ourselves in a like fashion. If you want to talk to me or ask questions about this, please feel free. At Community Church Blackburn we are so blessed, as a church, to be part of the ChristCentral group of churches which is part of the Newfrontiers family of churches. If you want, have a look you can find our more here. These are just some of the ways we are served by ChristCentral and New Frontiers often behind the scenes
There is so much going on and so many benefits and good things that I cannot succinctly express in the short space I have here. Again, if you want to talk to me about it or get more involved come and see me. Some specific things to pray for: Please pray for Jeremy and Anne Simpkins as they lead ChristCentral groups of Churches. They are coming and you will meet them on July 14th. Please pray for the preparations for Devoted and the team as these are huge and need prayer. Pray for the other ChristCentral churches in the area: Bolton, Macclesfield, Westhoughton, Liverpool, Salford, Stockport, Barnoldswick, Preston, Blackpool, Chorley, Lancaster, Whitehaven etc.. as they are on the same mission as us and doing amazing stuff!! Also I believe God has put on my heart a vision of the Lancashire ChristCentral churches worshiping and praying together. Wouldn’t that be wonderful!! Please pray while I explore and pray and consult with our oversight Altogether please pray for all those involved in ChristCentral, thank God for them and pray for a deeper, more fruitful relationship with them for the Glory of God and the Building of the Kingdom. Helpful Bible Verses Ephesians 4:11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 1 Corinthians 12:28 And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues. Titus 1:5 This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you
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